
Top 15 maintenance tips for you car to last longer. Part III


Cars are expensive! So maintaining them will only ever prevent vehicle failures and bigger costs on repairs. Prevention is better than cure so we provided you with the best tips to keep your machine at its optimal performance.

Below we will post the first and most important five for a better and longer lasting vehicle.

1. Drive Better

The way you drive reflects on your car. If you drive rashly, then your car has the chances of wear faster and can also damage your car permanently. By driving smartly and safely, you not only ensure less wear and tear on your car but also you can save up on your fuel costs.

If you have a habit of taking off quickly and applying brakes suddenly, then this can do damage to your car. Always drive below the speed limit and avoid sudden stops, do not use your phone or any other thing, which might distract you and take your eyes off the road.

2. Exterior Engine Cleaning

We have learned the importance of maintaining your engine internally; it is as important to do it for the exterior too. Some minor debris in the wrong place can do a lot of damage if not checked. You don’t need to dismantle your entire car to do so, just keep an eye on the engine and get it checked.

There is a special engine cleaner available on the market designed specifically for exterior engine cleaning. Also, remove the grease and the debris. Do not use harsh equipment like a wire brush as it can harm the engine and damage the components.

3. Carry the Automotive Tools at all Times

The best tip to maintain your car properly is to be ready to face any situation and gave the suited tools with you. If you delay repair, it can potentially cause more damage, which was already there and also increase the amount of repair. The best remedy is to inspect the problem yourself whenever you feel while driving that the car is not working efficiently.

Do take the help of the mechanic if the damage is severe. There is a set of tools, which is readily available and you can store it in your trunk. Do carry the best jumper cables to give that jump start to your car so that you are not stuck in a tricky situation.

4. Protect your Headlights

Always keep an eye on your headlights as they are your best friends while driving at night. It can be an extremely dangerous and risky situation if you drive without your headlights on at night. Replace and repair it before they fuse, for your safety and others around you.

We also have the tendency to forget to switch off the lights the next morning. This makes you drain your battery and also leads to extensive damage to your engine. It is better to ensure the headlights are working as it doesn’t take much of your time and keeps it well-maintained.

5. Protect the Interior of your Car

We spend a lot of time in our cars now and having a worn-out interior is just not comfortable anymore. You will always find smudges on the windows and scratches on the dashboard.

The best way to maintain the interior is to do a quick clean whenever you get out of your car. Keep a cleaning spray, and an extra rag of cloth handy and your car will always be clean and brand new.

In today’s world, we live in our cars. It only seems logical to maintain it as we spend most of our day there. Road trips can prove to be a lot more fun if your car is up to speed and gives you good performance.

Maintenance not only involves checking your lights and the oil but whole new aspects as mentioned above. You don’t need to always rush to the mechanic as you can do some minor inspections and repair in the comfort of your garage. The above mentioned are some of the tips which you can follow to improve the efficiency of your car and also make it last longer. It can also ensure a higher resale value when you want to trade it in or sell it.