
Top 5 maintenance tips for you car to last longer. Part I


Cars are expensive! So maintaining them will only ever prevent vehicle failures and bigger costs on repairs. Prevention is better than cure so we provided you with the best tips to keep your machine at its optimal performance.

Below we will post the first and most important five for a better and longer lasting vehicle.

1. Check your Air Filter

Many car problems are due to faulty air filters attached to them and the wear caused by them. You should get your filters changed every 12 months or after 20000km, whichever comes first. Don’t ignore this maintenance as it will lead to problems in your AC and your car will breathe unhealthy air.

You can get the filter replaced at your mechanic away in the comfort of your garage in just 10 minutes. By doing it yourself, you can save the trip to the mechanic and also money. Here is how you can do it yourself:

· Firstly, locate your filter, which is situated under the hood of the car. It is a black rectangular box, which has metal clips inside it. You can see it as soon as you pop the hood. If you don’t find it there, then check the owner’s manual for assistance.

· After locating it remove the casing and see how the filter fits inside it. It is important to note the directions of the filter. Make a note of the directions of the filter and remove it.

· After removing it insert the new filter the same way, the old one was fit in the same direction. You will see that it will fit perfectly touching the edges.

· Now close the metal clips after you are done. This way you have changed the air filter.

You can also clean out the debris from your new filter by using compressed air. This will improve the life of the filter and make it last longer.

2. Inspect Fluids and Tire Pressure Regularly

This is something which you shouldn’t ignore or delay at any cost. They are the main components of your car and also have a habit of wearing and running out too quickly. You should always pay extra attention to your tires and fluids. The task to check it takes about 10 minutes.

All you need to do is open the engine when it’s cooled down and detach the oil dipstick. Clean it thoroughly and put it back again. Now when you pull it, you will notice the oil stuck to it. This way you will know when to change the engine oil.

While doing this also check your power steering fluid level and also the hoses and belts for any signs of wear. After warming up your car check the transmission fluid level too.

Now for your tires, you can check the pressure by using a gauge and ensure that it has the correct pressure for all tires. Conduct this every other week for less wear on your tire.

3. Check your Battery

We all have had our car battery run out when we need it the most. We all faced the situation where we are left stranded on the road in the middle of the nights with just the lights of our cell phones. It isn’t a pretty situation, is it?

To avoid this, never ignore your low battery sign and always get it checked regularly. Check for leakage or any mineral build up around it. Clean it with a battery cleaning brush and do this whenever necessary.

4. Change your Spark Plugs

If you notice that your engine is not working efficiently, then the reason probably is the spark plugs. If not checked, they wear out easily and will be covered in a buildup. Check and get them replaced if needed. They usually last for about 50000km; see the owner’s manual for an accurate idea as it is specifically written for your car and gives better details.

5. Get your Tires Rotated and Balanced

This is the easiest trick in the book to prevent the wearing of your tires and make them last longer, and the trick is to get them rotated once in a while. All tires do not wear at the same amount. So, by rotating the front and rear tires, you balance the wear and make them more durable.

Ensure that the tires of your car are always perfectly aligned as non-aligned tires can make you lose control of your car and cause accidents.